Tuesday 24 April 2012

Videos dealing with behaviourism and cognitivism

The last time I saw the footage of Skinner's pigeons I was in my second year way back in 1986!  It is amazing how you forget that you know things.  Isn't that the point of the cognivists?  All you know is put into long-term memory until you need it.  Places you visited when you were a child are suddenly brought back to life when you see a photograph that your Mom hauled out of an old shoe box.

The videos were quite helpful in explaining the concept of behaviourism.  Having the pigeon's behaviour altered by rewarding it with food is clear proof that an organism's behaviour is a result of reinforcement.  The pigeon is being rewarded for doing what is needed, i.e. turning left or right as the case may be.

The cognitivist video was not that helpful.  All it was was a video of some people reading a presentation to an audience.  They were describing particular software that incoporated e-learning and artificial intelligence.  They claimed that the software would increase learning and retention in students and that it would decrease learning time.  The presenters supported the cognitive learning theory stating that people learn by listening, watching, touching, reading or experiencing and then by processing and remembering.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Has the course been beneficial?

So, what have I managed to learn during the first half of the course?  I have found that there is an enormous amount of information regarding online learning and assessment.  Sites such as Hot Potatoes and Moodle have broadened my horizons as far as sharing tests and other forms of assessment go.  I have used the Forms section of Google Docs to create tests for my class.

The automated assessment segment was very interesting.  I was first exposed to this form of assessment when I wrote some Microsoft MCSE exams.  Amazing but scary at the same time!

I also enjoyed the readings about authentic learning.  This is particularly important when you create learning material online.  Your students need to know that you have not contrived the lesson or assessment just for the sake of being online.

Let's hope all the information I have soaked up will assist me with my research project later this year.